I have been neglecting this blog for way too long! I can not believe I have not put anything up since Micah's birthday. I have been so so so busy with school and everything else I just kept putting this off. About school, I will finally be a teacher in May 2011. haha! At least I have a graduating date. It has taken me WAY too long I know but hey it will all be worth it. Micah is doing great. We have had a couple of things come up with her.
First, about 6 or 7 months ago Micah had a Kidney Infection. We were sent to a specialist and found out that her right kidney was inflamed. We see the Urologist at Children's every 3 months to have an Ultrasound done and for him to check her. Right now he thinks she has an area leading to her kidney "kinked" up, which in turn is keeping some urine in her right kidney. As of right now he does not want to do anything for it (unless she has more infections). If worse comes to worse she will have to have a small surgery to "unkink" the problem. Sorry I do not know all of the medical terms for this issue. :)
Now to the next thing that has come up. When we saw the Urologist last week they did the normal ultrasound. We then saw the doc and he said her kidney has stayed the same (which is good). BUT, they found something in her Gallbladder........a "large" he said GALLSTONE!
I do not know much about gallstones but I knew that a child her age should not have one. He said that this is very rare for a child this young. He said that the ultrasound tech just happened to get a good shot of her gallbladder this time. He does not know how long it has been there because they have never concentrated on that area.
He then called Micah's pediatrician to see what he would like to do. Her pediatrician is Dr. Hale at Birmingham Pediatrics, he has decided to send her to a GI Specialist. Her appointment is next Wednesday, which is also the same day she gets her second flu shot from Dr. Hale. So it should be an interesting day. I am hoping that the GI doctor will want to leave things as is for the time being, although if he does think she needs to have her gallbladder removed I will certainly have a second opinion.
Please keep Micah in your players for these appointments, she will be having blood drawn to try to understand what might be causing her to have a gallstone. I think I hate this more than her because it just breaks my heart into pieces when I have to hold her while they draw her blood.
I will be sure to keep this blog updated when we find something out.
This is Miss Micah waiting to see Dr. Hale a couple months ago.
tuck (stuck)
bite bite
do (shoe)
Bob Bob
night night- this is what she calls her blankets
bye bye
And the latest is "Mal Mal" she has said this only a couple times.
Some of the other words she uses ALL the time, and others rarely says them but she knows how.
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