Yes, we now have a GI specialist, which I am sure we will be seeing just as often as the Urologist. Atleast this office will be somewhat fun to visit. The office is in downtown Birmingham, and when you walk in they have "Official Stadium Seats" from the original Chicago White Sox stadium to sit in, AND the nurses where White Sox jerseys. At least it is something different.
The doctor looked at all of Micah's Ultrasounds that she has had done on her kidney, the gallbladder is only seen in 2 of these. The first was from July, and the stone was there then also, it just was not caught. And of course in the one from a couple of weeks ago. He said that He thinks it might have been a result from her having some Jaundice at birth. He said it is rare but it has happened before. Although he thinks that this is what caused it he still wants to send her to Children's Hospital to have a couple of test run.
She is scheduled to go next Friday to have a new ultrasound, blood work, and a Hidascan?? All I know about the Hidascan is that they will put and IV in her hand, they will then inject dye into the IV and watch it for a while as it goes to her liver and gallbladder. This is to see if the stone is blocking a bile duct and to make sure everything is functioning like it should. We see the doctor directly after the tests so we will know something that day. My poor little angel will not be in a good mood that day.
Anyways, that is it for now. So too all of you out there reading this (mom, Dad, and ??) haha there it is. Although ya'll already knew all of why am I writing it on here?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
16 month old with a GI Specialist AND a Urology Specialist....hmmmm
Posted by Morgan at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Many post to come!
I have been neglecting this blog for way too long! I can not believe I have not put anything up since Micah's birthday. I have been so so so busy with school and everything else I just kept putting this off. About school, I will finally be a teacher in May 2011. haha! At least I have a graduating date. It has taken me WAY too long I know but hey it will all be worth it. Micah is doing great. We have had a couple of things come up with her.
First, about 6 or 7 months ago Micah had a Kidney Infection. We were sent to a specialist and found out that her right kidney was inflamed. We see the Urologist at Children's every 3 months to have an Ultrasound done and for him to check her. Right now he thinks she has an area leading to her kidney "kinked" up, which in turn is keeping some urine in her right kidney. As of right now he does not want to do anything for it (unless she has more infections). If worse comes to worse she will have to have a small surgery to "unkink" the problem. Sorry I do not know all of the medical terms for this issue. :)
Now to the next thing that has come up. When we saw the Urologist last week they did the normal ultrasound. We then saw the doc and he said her kidney has stayed the same (which is good). BUT, they found something in her Gallbladder........a "large" he said GALLSTONE!
I do not know much about gallstones but I knew that a child her age should not have one. He said that this is very rare for a child this young. He said that the ultrasound tech just happened to get a good shot of her gallbladder this time. He does not know how long it has been there because they have never concentrated on that area.
He then called Micah's pediatrician to see what he would like to do. Her pediatrician is Dr. Hale at Birmingham Pediatrics, he has decided to send her to a GI Specialist. Her appointment is next Wednesday, which is also the same day she gets her second flu shot from Dr. Hale. So it should be an interesting day. I am hoping that the GI doctor will want to leave things as is for the time being, although if he does think she needs to have her gallbladder removed I will certainly have a second opinion.
Please keep Micah in your players for these appointments, she will be having blood drawn to try to understand what might be causing her to have a gallstone. I think I hate this more than her because it just breaks my heart into pieces when I have to hold her while they draw her blood.
I will be sure to keep this blog updated when we find something out.

This is Miss Micah waiting to see Dr. Hale a couple months ago.
tuck (stuck)
bite bite
do (shoe)
Bob Bob
night night- this is what she calls her blankets
bye bye
And the latest is "Mal Mal" she has said this only a couple times.
Some of the other words she uses ALL the time, and others rarely says them but she knows how.
Posted by Morgan at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Micah's 1st Birthday!!
For her 1st Birthday we had planned to have her party at "The Splash Pad" in Gardendale, I rented a pavilion about 3 months before hand. Well I never took into consideration that it could rain on the day of her party. Well it did, but a lot of people still came and it turned out good, the kids just could not play very much and Micah never even got in her swimsuit. But it was a great day and we had a blast celebrating our babies 1st birthday.
These are the cakes my Aunt Faye made....They were delicious! She had her own catering business. So let me know if you need something for a special event and I will get you in touch with her. :)
The birthday girl and Big the way she can now say "bob" and it is the cutest thing ever!
This is her with Brandon's brother, Brad
As you can tell, everyone was under the pavilion
This is my grandmother with Micah. They LOVE each other it is the sweetest thing.
She loved it when everyone was singing to her as you can tell.
This is some of my mom side of the family
Brandon and his dad and brother
This is what a long day looks like on the way home. ;)
Ok, next year there will be some kind of limit on what she can get. She is so spoiled!
Posted by Morgan at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Wilderness In The Smokies
Hey everyone! Sorry I have been so bad about not posting! I have been VERY busy with school and looking for a part time job that I keep meaning to update but never find the time. But I am going to catch up! Starting with our trip to Gatlinburg that we took in May. We went to Wilderness In The Smokies, which is an indoor and outdoor waterpark with the hotel inside the park!
It was so much fun. We went with some of Brandon's family and had a blast. The only problem was, Micah would not sleep well at all. I guess it was because she was not use to sleeping in a bed with us. The first night we had to drive her around Pigeon Forge to get her asleep, then the WORST thing happened. We were sleeping so well and all of a sudden me and Brandon hear a thud, and yes, it was Micah hitting the ground. She had been sleeping in between us and somehow had pushed pass the barrier I made and fell behind the head board! She was ok, it scared me more than her, but it meant another ride around Pigeon Forge at 4 in the morning for us.
This is Micah exploring the grounds, the hat she has on did not last long at all!
This is the closest she got to the rides. :)
Obviously she did not like this
Giving sugar!
This is when we went into Gatlinburg for the day.
Posted by Morgan at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
We are making the most of the pretty weather!
So, this last Monday me and Micah went with my friend Ashley to her parents house out in Corner. It was so pretty! They have about 100 acres of land, a pool, hot tub, horses, cows and a huge pond. The pictures I took of her on the pier at the pond were good but they were taken in between her throwing fits because she wanted to get closer to the edge. She has just started doing this. She will grunt and whine and throw her arms around when she does not get her way. Hopefully this isn't the start of something terrible.
Micah had a blast, playing with the dog, and getting her first glimpse at horses. She actually touched one of the horses.
Then on Tuesday we went to the Splash Pad in Gardendale. This is where Micah's birthday will be. She did not like it too much at first, and I totally do not blame her. But, after a while she warmed up to it and was letting me put her in front of the streams of water. I am hoping by next month she will want to get a little more involved, but if not that is fine.
Speaking of the party, the invitations are almost done and I will be mailing them out around the end of May.
Enjoy the pics!! I put a few others in as well.
She was about to pet the horse in this one
You can see that the horse is about to touch her foot, and when it did she flipped out...
She really like the hot the way it was not that hot...I don't want people to think I was scalding her.. :)
Splash Pad!
Finally we got her standing still...
She was watching Brandon cut grass....she was amazed...maybe he should do it more often.
My the hair.... :)
The only reason I am sharing this is because it is VERY rare that me and Brandon are both dressed up and I wanted to show it off. We were both in our friends wedding this past Saturday, I was a bridesmaid and Brandon was the best man. We had a ton of fun. Here are a couple pics.
Oh yes we danced...not well though
Posted by Morgan at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Her new favorite thing
Micah has been to the park a lot, and she really loves to swing, which is why I am really excited about her early birthday present from her great grandmother Gail. It is this cute pink swing and we have (for now hung it on the porch). But, since the pictures were taken it has already moved to another spot on the porch. Micah absolutely loves it. These pictures were taken on our first Mother's Day together.
Her in her swing, LOVING IT!
My flowers and card from Brandon and Micah
After a very long day of playing, she was out in Brandon's arms
Posted by Morgan at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
I took This video of Micah this morning. It was like 9:15 and she was still asleep so I had to wake her up. She is so cute because she always wakes up so happy. The first thing she says is "dog". By the way anything that could look in any form or fashion like an animal, is a dog to her. So all stuffed animals, our cat, even ceramic figurines at Brandon's parents house are "dogs". You can pause the song I have playing on the right side to hear the video.
Posted by Morgan at 11:44 AM 0 comments
We have been pretty busy lately, and it has not helped that my camera has been dead....But here are a few pics of Miss Micah from the past week or so. Also a video of her beating Brandon on the head with plastic shovels. :)
This is My sisters, Lauren and Mallory, and my Aunt Sharon at Jim N Nick' you can tell Micah was not cooperating for pictures that night.
Me, and Lauren and Mal
I LOVE this picture....I'm not sure why she was making this face, but it turned out really cute.
Here is Micah in her 80's outfit
It is kind of dark, but oh well.
Posted by Morgan at 8:39 AM 0 comments